Monday, October 31, 2005


Halloween, All-hallow's eve, is the annual celebration where demons, devils, witches, and assorted undead ravage the landscape. Me? I am dressed as a pea. A pea with no legs, talons, horns, or gaping poison-dripping fangs. Just a couple of flippers, that is, fronds. So scary!

Sunday, October 30, 2005

The Fresh Piper

YO YO YO. My name is piper. I poop my diaper. I throw a griper. Mom gets a wiper. I get less hyper. PEACE OUT!


My Dad watches college football every Saturday. He does this whenever his team scores a touchdown, which is to say not often. I do this whenever I eat 4 ounces of milk, which is to say, often.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Like Father, Like Daughter

One of us is upset because it is feeding time. The other of us has poopy diaper. Which is which? Even money.

Look Ma, No Hand

I MUST speak with my tailor.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Psst... got milk?

Here is me with my friend Caitlynn. I'm the one waving at the camera. I asked if my carseat made me look fat. She said "you weigh 5 pounds. Your dad eats steaks bigger than you. Eat a damn sandwich!" We were born a combined three months early. This means we will be getting into trouble three months sooner than our dads would like us to.

Wake Up!

Mom! Wake Up! You are not allowed to sleep when I am not sleeping!

Ultimate Suffering

I make here the face of ultimate suffering. I make the face when the world fails to bend itself to my whim. Dad makes the face when Mississippi State plays football on TV.

Dad is Tedious

Sigh. Dad is preaching to mom and me about gerrymanding and the flat tax...again. So tedious!

Divine Mom

Note the halo like effect around mom. Just like all those pictures of the virgin Mary and various other saints. Could I be of divine birth? Magic 8-ball says "It is decidely so."

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Massage Chair

This is me in my virbro chair from Fisher Price. It's coin operated - anyone got a quarter?

The Scream

Just like that Edvard Munch painting.

Dali Lama

I am the Dali Lama. Revere me.

Bathe THIS!

Already I am learning important hand signals for California driving.

Me and Grandma

Here is me with my lovely grandmother. I think I will call her "grandmother." Or, maybe, I will call her "Douglas." Who can say?

Black Power!

Here I am channeling Huey Newton. No longer will I chafe under the boot of the man. I am having lunch with Cornel West today.

Hello, World!

Hello everyone! My name is Piper Quinn May. I made my debut on September 22nd, 2005 in San Francisco. I have started this blog to satisfy my horde of insatiable admirers (read: grandmas) with pictures of... ME!!!