Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Me and my monkey

My aunt Robin gave me this stuffed monkey. I love him because even though I'm only 8 pounds, I still OWN that monkey. Hey! Monkey! Fix me a sandwich and rub my belly!

Quit choking me!

Aunt Robin can choke me all she wants. I'm not taking back what I said - that green scarf is just way too riverdance. Ick! For goodness sake, I wear a diaper which is like this giant ass enlarger. I weigh less than a gallon of milk and I still look fat. You don't see me being all sensitive.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Piper holds forth at the Marina

You see, mom, the golden gate bridge is 5467 feet long, 234 feet high, and is made entirely of gummy bears


I told you - I want chamomile scented milk. The feng shui on my changing table is misaligned. A thousand silkworms did not toil for a year to create my diaper. Get it together people!

Piper's First Picnic

Here I am at Crissy Field in the Marina. See the Golden Gate Bridge? I'm pointing at it! Mom has dressed me in a pink striped jumpsuit. I look like a prisoner - like I'm in the baby correctional facility. Don't mess with me! I'll stick a shiv in you. Punk!