Monday, December 26, 2005

Turkey coma

uhhhnnnhh - somebody loosen my belt. merry Christmas to all, and to all a good gravy.

My first X-mas present

I Looooove Santa Claus. I got 37 outfits in many motifs including duckies, bunnies, froggies, doggies, and trekkies. This last from dad who also gave me a copy of the "Dungeon Master's Guide" and a pair of 20-sided dice. He says I will be surrounded by boys this way. Skinny boys who even when he is 60 he can beat the crap out of.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Mine... all mine

The other day when mom wasn't looking I logged onto yahoo shopping and look what came! A meat thermometer, a box of honduran cigarillos, some size 12 baseball cleats and a DVD of "Booty Call". All mine!

Monday, December 12, 2005

Guns, Germs and Squeal

A US government study found that the number of books in a child's house is a strong predictor of the child's academic success. Dad read this on the back label of a Dolly Madison fried pie and went out and bought all these (that's me - lower left). Results have disapointed as I have failed thus far to author a unified field theory. Will someone get dad to stop reading "Guns, Germs and Steel" to me?

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Everybody say "awwwwww"

Think you are cute? Ha! Big eyes? Check. Coquettish smile? Check. Cuteness-enhancing parent-staged hairpiece? Check.